June 02 , 2009 I went for part 1 of the concert tickets I got from my Hunky Bf on my Birthday! It was a good show I was expecting NIN to close but nooo it was Janes, a great show none the less... Im really happy that I got to see it with my bf, especially since its our first concert as a couple... I quiet enjoyed him holding me during the show, I always secretly was jealous of couples like that but now I have my turn and its a sweet feeling :)
Theses are some pics that I took at the NIN JA show the ones I took of NIN didnt turn out so great. The evening started off with a huge line up for parking, semi long walk to the entrance gate, massive line up, a ticket that printed out stupid and wouldnt scan, missing the first hour of the concert due to all the set backs, a gorgeous sunset and accidentally getting on the gardiner after.LOL All in all a perfect concert date!
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