Sunday, February 3, 2013

Do you know what your wearing?

It all started one day when I was pulling a black top out of the dryer  just as I was about to fold it I noticed that in the armpit area it had a metallic shine to it. I use this top A LOT for work since I have to wear black and naturally I wash it A LOT. Obviously this is the aluminum that is found in my antiperspirant. Which got me thinking that if I could see it on my shirt how much of this was being actually being absorbed into my body since I am directly applying it to my skin and have been doing so for years. This prompted a search for an aluminum free antiperspirant.  I haven’t been able to find one yet that can keep up with my level of activity. I have since switched over to Nivea for the time being but find myself reapplying after a vigorous workout at the gym.

I’ve switched a lot of my old beauty products in the last few months over to brands that are eco-friendly, natural, organic and animal friendly.  Currently my favorite line is Live Clean which has a great shampoo & conditioner, lotion and body wash. However, I want to take it one step further and do a complete makeover of my make case. A LOT of it has so much chemicals and other junk I don’t want on my skin, not to mention it’s probably been tested on animals.  So I’ve found a lot of great companies online that meet my needs as a makeup user. I’ll be buying a new haul of my makeup basics and testing it out. My goal here is to feel good about the products I use on my skin, I want to know that they are safe to use without the necessity of it being tested on animals but more importantly that it’s free of harsh chemicals that can do more harm than good to my body. Be good to your body, be aware of what your wearing.

I found this site really useful, lots of great info and they talk about ingredients to avoid.

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