Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fruit Wars!

I've done it!!!
I switched over from a
Blackberry to an Apple iPhone. I had a great relationship with my BB and it occasionally had its issues but overall I was content and satisfied with it. However, my contract was up this month and it was time to think about an upgrade. Yes, I could have gone with a newer BB... let's say the torch. But in all honesty I've been eyeing the iPhone in the last couple months and I've also been hearing people talk about how awesome the apps are. What really grabbed my attention was the medical apps. Long story short I made up my mind and decided to test it out.I LOVE IT!!!!

Dear: iPhone. Where have you been all my life???

I've only been playing around with it this evening trying to get familiar with it and Im already loving it. I dont even feel sad about switching over from my BB. Usually I reminisce about features on my old phone when I get a new one.... Nuh uh! Not this time I can't wait to fully discover all the awesome stuff my iPhone4 can do :)

"Life was easier when Blackberry and Apple were just fruit" but I am loving my Apple.

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